
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

A chocl8 a day keeps stress at bay

Think of the best antioxidants you've ever heard of.
Red wine?
Green tea?
well, Dark chocolate leaves them all in the dust.

Chocolate" comes from the Aztec word, "xocolatl," which means "bitter water."

so here are a few chocolicious facts which will leave you completely salivating ....!!

One ounce of baking chocolate or cocoa contains 10% of the daily recommended intake of iron.
Anaemic anyone??!:P
Cocoa beans are rich in a number of essential minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese.

Quality dark chocolate contains flavonoids which help reduce the risk of heart disease....

Chocolate is associated with the release of serotonin, the hormone that makes you feel relaxed, calm, and happy......

Although not scientifically proven, chocolate is believed by many, to be an aphrodisiac. The theory is supported by the fact that chocolate does contain among many chemicals the stimulants: caffeine, theobromine, and phenyethylamine.....(now u noe wat do u need after a bad fight ;))

Despite being high in fat content, chocolate doesn't appear to raise blood cholesterol levels.

Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40% of the world’s almonds and 20% of the world’s peanuts.....!!

so i guess its true when they say...A little of what you fancy does you good...!!!

bon Appetit!!!!:)

Friday, 26 August 2011


 “Please keep your mobile on Manmohan Mode”
 If you live in, near or even know the current happenings in India, then you can definitely understand the above punchline. It is telling that such quotes have become a bitter way of explaining the current Indian affairs. India is known as the world’s largest democracy, but the current government has repeatedly behaved as a monarch when the matters have gone out of their hands. It has already made mockery of democracy by holding people protesting non-violently in jail, ending a hunger strike to ‘Bring back the black money’ by world renowned yoga guru using extreme force and prior to that the silence of our prime minister and no valid explanation given for the unending corruption scams. 
The government is steering a ship which has sprung many leaks. Yet, the simple concept that one cannot establish democracy unless the government respects people’s rights eludes it. By ignoring the public in the haste of filling their own Swiss accounts, the politicians have fuelled this rage and fervor.  Today as I passed through India Gate, I saw throngs of people on bikes, cars, on foot waving Indian flags, with passion on their face and anger in their hearts. The picture is enough to guess that all is not well in India. It has been estimated that there is almost $1500 billion in black money in the Swiss banks, 13 times the foreign debt that India owes! It is enough to tell all about the plague of corruption in India. Infact, India would have been a developed country years before and at par with China and America now, if our politicians had been somewhat ‘honest’, a word missing from their lexicon.
The fastest growing sector in India is not IT or software, textiles or automobiles. It is INEQUALITY that has grown faster than at any other time since Independence. And at a sensational pace, this past decade as the divide between the rich and the poor has constantly widened.
So after all the facts and figures I cannot find it in my heart to say that India still shines and remains incredible because of its rich culture and diversity. The culture doesn’t give people protection, Diversity doesn’t help if India houses a third of the world’s poor! A nation where terror attacks occurs almost every year. And the appalling thing is that they have become so clichéd that nobody now bats an eye if less than 50 people die in a calamity. How can then we still revel in past and be smug about our heritage, when the future of the nation is jeopardized?
It is time for a change to help India reach the pinnacle it truly deserves by utilizing all the incredible resources and manpower. We have to demand the answers from the regime as the Father of the Nation said- To do Injustice is a Sin- but to Tolerate Injustice is a bigger Sin. And one man is doing exactly that! 
A few may say that you cannot blackmail the government like this, but when the Govt. pushes beyond a certain limit, it has no right to criticize...I believe every Indian supports the motive and intention behind HAZARE's Fast, and hoping for a change... 
I salute the man with all due respect!

P.S.- Have you read this?  Do you think Indian Govt. has guts to do this.. Oh but how can they! Aren't we talking about their own hidden stashes here.. :-?

Friday, 19 August 2011

“I was ready to experience corporate culture in one of the most sought after textiles based consultancies in India”

Packed with bubbling energy, first day jitters, and a whole gamut of complex emotions, I was geared up for my first day at Technopak Advisors Private Limited. Selected amidst 50+ students of my department, I knew I was ready to experience corporate culture in one of the most sought after textiles based consultancies in India. I always had great expectations and the company just never proved me wrong.The people were highly cordial and helpful, atmosphere was stress free and remarkably work oriented. It was like a dream woven with ambitions.Amongst many rules, one rule was inadvertently followed (from which even we were not spared) : Always address people by their first names, be it the Director or the President!I was assigned a mentor who was just one year elder to me. She gave me concrete assignments to work on in live projects which exposed me to the retail sector and helped me understand nuances of handling and analyzing data. Apart from this, the working hours were extremely flexible as the emphasis was always on the output and delivery.
The excitement of being at the forefront of this output, and being in a position to bring about business breakthroughs for the client companies clearly made my internship a memorable experience and a learning adventure!

My article was selected as the daily winner in a contest at internshala.. ! :D

Monday, 15 August 2011

LOVE YOU FOREVER.......... :))


'He' is my brother, who was in the U.S. for past one year, doing his M.S(still 6 months left)...but now he is visiting for 20 days..and you bet I am excited!! :)

There is this saying "You'll never realize the importance of something until it's gone", BUT it doesn't apply for me in this case... I always knew the value of my big brother (even though I didn't tell him then :P)... And also they say "Brothers and Sisters Share A Unique Bond Of Love, Comradery, and Friendship" to which I wholeheartedly agree.

I remember from the time we were kids and did crazy stuff, like he taught me how to jump from the bed when I was 3 or 4(I fell and bruised my lips- he got a scolding) or I bit him around that age (I got a scolding). He broke my electric dinosaur that Papa bought from Sweden, I complained to Papa, he got furious with my brother's 'always trying to be a scientist and dismantling things' attitude and bro got a thrashing (I cried for him at that time). Hundred other memories like he bought my first phone, always scolding me for wasting hours on the phone, always being there to solve my Maths and Physics problems, encouraging me to do something worthwhile and not waste my time, teaching me and explaining the concept when I used to panic a day before the exam, giving the BEST ADVICES- which sometimes I followed and most of the times Not *straight face*, never Interfering- always SUPPORTIVE, fighting for me with Papa when he was overprotective and unreasonable, giving me 25% of his salary on my BIRTHDAY's!(Lalalala, I have the BEST BROTHER - I know :P )
And so many other things for which I never said Thank You!( I guess he doesn't need that, but I am still so much Thankful! )

Words aren't enough to express how much he means to me (though have tried it here)...And you know I cried so much when in eighth class Papa shifted my study table(his and mine were adjoining- maybe so I can get inspired) from his room as he was in 12th and needed to study seriously, apparently I used to disturb him (ME!! The most innocent child! :p He used to start all the fights, how did I disturb him!). So you can imagine my plight, when he hopped on the flight and went away so far... (read it as Saat Samundar Paar ;)

It was just AWE(wait for it)SOME!! to grow up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on!
And now it is time to cheer cos he is here! :)
So again, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 
             n LOVE YOU FOREVER... :))

P.S.- Hoping he would get senty after reading this ;) (It is not unmanly to show emotions u know :P)

P.P.S.- I wish this to be a quote dedicated to me, from! It's just a quote that I liked - “She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime,your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. And on some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” -Barbara Alpert
And also this one "“What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it?” -Jenny DeVries :)

Friday, 12 August 2011

LET IT GO......

Hey! So hope all of you are preparing to enjoy the upcoming holidays and getting ready to binge on all the sweets (and add a few kilos to your waistline. *evil laugh*) 

So coming back to the point, just ask yourself a simple question "Do you hold grudges?". If the answer is biased in the favor of yes, then it is time to retrospect. If you don;t know how.. then you can try by asking yourself a series of questions like 'Has it done you any good', ' Has it spoiled your mental peace', 'Do you get angry whenever you think about that person' (Note- I am talking about a personal grudge here and not with an animal or some non-living thing, which you just can't help it- e.g if a dog bites you in your childhood and you end up hating dogs... story of my life :-l )

But as a proud ' Never a grudge holder', take it from me a grudge DOES YOU NO GOOD!
It is not only harmful to your mental peace, but it keeps you in the clutches of anger and noxious thoughts. The anger can even make you do regrettable things. So do you really want to carry that much negative energy with you? I don't!!

I have two solutions which always help me out... And they are extremely effective ( That's a personal guarantee :) )

Sometimes you just cannot forget what others have done to you. In serious crimes, the victim obviously has every right to feel all the anger and rabid thoughts swirling in his/her mind. But I do have a better solution - POSING INDIFFERENCE!

There are some situations in life when you feel helpless, you cannot retaliate back to the perpetrator and you have to accept the things as they are. And that is why being indifferent helps! It is called the state of emotionlessness, to the point that you detach yourself from the situation, person - whatever helps. It is not easy, but needs practice and it helps you not to think about anything related to that person, go on with your life in a peaceful way, helps you in finding your own happiness and being a positive person.

The second solution is what you may have heard many times, and hope you do apply it all the time- FORGIVENESS!
I reserve this only for a few- people for whom I care, and  I know in my heart that the mistake wasn't done intentionally. It was probably just the circumstances. And that the other person genuinely cares about me and is really sorry and repentant. I do the best thing you can do- I FORGIVE. Period.

In life, sometimes strangely you can also move on from the first option to the second if the person has/had a value in your life... And you try to be a little understanding of his/her reasons for his/her actions. I have put my faith in someone recently because of that strong connection with the person. And I am hoping for a happy journey.

Hence it's no good to hold a grudge with a person whom you love. And it's only harmful for you to hold a grudge with a person for whom you don't care! Finally,  I would say just one thing 'Let it go...'. It makes you happy and exuberant and most of all LIBERATED! :) 

P.S - And before I forget here is my free advice on Rakshabandhan - * For Girls* - It's YOUR day, don't go easy on your brother's pocket ;)
*For Boys*- Come on! Have a big heart, Give your sweet sister all the gifts you can afford :D And if anybody doesn't have a sister to shower the gifts, feel free to contact me :p

P.P.S- You can listen to this beautiful song (Do pay attention to the lyrics) from Zindagi Naa Milegi Dobara- while reading the post :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Don't ask the meaning of Life...Just Go and Define It!!

Ever tried getting drenched in the rain but didn't because of your new, spick and span jeans???????
Ever felt like standing up for yourself but just didn't because you were not ready for the situation???????

The point is never wait for things to happen. You are the creator of your destiny... you are THE child of destiny.............YOU DEFINE YOUR DESTINY...

Just go for the thing what you feel is right at that moment. Stand up against the guy who is rude to the elderly beside you....ask the shopkeeper for a printed receipt.......go for wacky streaking of your hair...........go for tattooing at the weirdest body and hop in the rain...laugh and howl at the worst joke you have it because your heart screams at you to do it ......

ps.....Do it now since as you grow older you start carrying baggage with you... baggage of job, baggage of being diplomatic to the shrewdest and most wicked ppl, baggage of dressing professionally, baggage of not being able to speak the truth because your own organization is involved.....!

Do it now since when you wake up next morning you can look at yourself in the mirror with pride, an air of individuality and no regrets because you did precisely what you wanted to do at that moment...!

Friday, 5 August 2011

one black sheep..

"DPS MMS", "IIT Delhi student commits murder" and now...IIT Delhi fresher commits suicide

If the names of the institutions associated would not have been this prestigious, surely the headings would be:

School students create MMS, Engineering student commits murder, Fresher commits suicide

Why do we gain sadistic pleasure when we see prestigious institutes and people falter and fail.
Is it because it is satisfactory that even the most successful can make mistakes so the lesser mortals obviously can go around faltering and committing crime with less guilty and even less conscience.
Is it because we envy them and are just delighted to see their downfall.

The television news and print media exploit this basic mentality of human nature and obnoxiously sideline all other, probably more important news, to gain high TRPs and popularity; sometimes not even trying to go into root causes and creating cock and bull stories to feed and give flames to this growing appetite..
RESULT: The Indian society so notorious for hush-hush, at-your-back gossip starts viewing all the students of the concerned institute in the same light. I have seen uncles and aunties coming to my home when I was going to DPS and in a very muted tone asking my parents whether they haven't heard about the MMS scandel. Fortunately my open minded parents understand and handle these situations very well. But millions don't and I have seen, felt, observed and smelled it.

I just want to stress upon one thing :
There might be a few Black Sheep. Please do not paint the whole institute with the same stroke and brush...