"DPS MMS", "IIT Delhi student commits murder" and now...IIT Delhi fresher commits suicide
If the names of the institutions associated would not have been this prestigious, surely the headings would be:
School students create MMS, Engineering student commits murder, Fresher commits suicide
Why do we gain sadistic pleasure when we see prestigious institutes and people falter and fail.
Is it because it is satisfactory that even the most successful can make mistakes so the lesser mortals obviously can go around faltering and committing crime with less guilty and even less conscience.
Is it because we envy them and are just delighted to see their downfall.
The television news and print media exploit this basic mentality of human nature and obnoxiously sideline all other, probably more important news, to gain high TRPs and popularity; sometimes not even trying to go into root causes and creating cock and bull stories to feed and give flames to this growing appetite..
RESULT: The Indian society so notorious for hush-hush, at-your-back gossip starts viewing all the students of the concerned institute in the same light. I have seen uncles and aunties coming to my home when I was going to DPS and in a very muted tone asking my parents whether they haven't heard about the MMS scandel. Fortunately my open minded parents understand and handle these situations very well. But millions don't and I have seen, felt, observed and smelled it.
I just want to stress upon one thing :
There might be a few Black Sheep. Please do not paint the whole institute with the same stroke and brush...
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